Spouses can reach a maximum heart level of 14, and that activates a unique cutscene for them. "Sam is an outgoing, friendly guy who is brimming with youthful energy. Sebastian's spouse room permanently changes to having the terrarium inside it. Have SMAPI and Content Patcher installed. After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Sebastian may randomly spend the day there. Each one has a heart meter that you can fill up, triggering special events when you achieve a certain relationship level. Player has not seen Sebastian's ten heart event. . Sam is a little stressed about the impending return of his . This event is a nice little peak into the other side of Sebastian, the non-basement dweller. Azziekat 7 yr. ago. Six-heart event is at his room, where you both will play a computer game. He doesn't work on the weekend except on rainy days, and is . He'll tell you he enjoys taking long rides on it outside of the valley and that maybe he'll take you some time -- if you woo him enough. The event will only trigger if players arrive between 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM during a rainy day, and it will not trigger during the winter season. However, his attitude starts to change towards any player who chooses to befriend him. If Haley is the final bachelorette you share a Ten-Heart Event with, the Group Ten-Heart Event will be unavoidable as . I have it to him then realised I didn't do the 10 heart scene so I restarted the day. If you look at the terrarium you can see frogs hopping around inside it. ". That concludes our guide to the Sebastian 14-Heart Event. Shane is a villager in Pelican Town who is often rude and unhappy, and suffers from depression and alcohol dependence. Unzip the folder into your Stardew Valley folder. I'm currently in the second week of Winter and on the first I finally filled Sebastian's hearts up to max. #13. You will see an adorable cutscene and the aftermath will actually change the spouse room in your house permanently. Group 10-Heart Event Bachelorettes. after that you should correctly trigger 8H - at Marnie's while he's there! Enjoy! Chinese Translation It's a little difficult though, so prepare for some RPG action. The only 10 heart event that has triggered is Abigail, but ive got all the heart events besides 10 hearts for everyone else. 3. Shane will be at your door and invite you see a gridball match in the city with him. Players can trigger Abigail's four-heart Heart Event by visiting the mountain area, which is the same place that the Carpentry Shop is located. I can't get this event to trigger, even though I have had 10 hearts with him for a while, and given him a bouquet. but you can mod this on pc to get around it) - During Leah's . I've visited his house every night for the whole of spring, and I cannot get it to trigger. 2 Hearts - Visit him in his room for a cutscene. It would've been fine to keep that day, because the Wedding happens 3 days after you give the Pendant, so you would've had plenty of time to trigger the heart event. But nope. I have not given a bouquet to anyone. Schedule. Player has triggered part four of Claire's 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. . So I'm currently in the middle of summer, Year 1 and my Sebastian is already 8 heart. I had trouble getting his 2 heart event to work, as my character got stuck behind . I also have not gotten the letter from Sam that triggers his 10 heart event, however i have gotten about 4 letters from Shane giving me pizza that he stole from Joja Mart (as he should) About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . If the correct choices are made, players can try and kiss her, triggering a romantic scene. However, he does have a habit of starting ambitious projects and not finishing them. Please watch: "TIKTOK CROCHET AND KNITTING FASHION COMPILATION #66 - Peachtok" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA8knNuwWeE --~--Mountain, 10pm-12am, any weat. He plays guitar and drums, and wants to start a band with Sebastian as soon as he has enough songs together. I'm at full hearts with Sebastian and gave him the bouquet, but I haven't been able to rigger his 10-heart event at all! -Penny's 4 heart won't happen if you buy the community upgrade from robin first (though unlikely, however it's still missable. During the match, Shane thanks you for . Installation: 1. To trigger this four-heart event, you'll need to head to the mountains where Robin's house is between 11 am and 5 pm. Sebastian. I'm not sure if you're saying the 10 heart event is also green, but if it is . [I had the same thing happen to me, had to wait until spring for rain.] benevapwnz, Sep 30, 2016. Stardew Valley Sebastian heart events. He works at JojaMart most days between 9am and 5pm, and after work he frequently spends his evenings in The Stardrop Saloon. So, I decided to add some! I thought that it could have been because I never triggered the 8 heart event but I have gone in the forest a few times and nothing has triggered. Sebastian 8 Heart Event Not Triggering. And while all characters get heart events, spouses take the lead when it comes to sweet moments. Ever since then everyday I'm in the area around his house trying to trigger the event from 8pm to 11pm, moving in and out of the area from pretty much all exits . Ever since then everyday I'm in the area around his house trying to trigger the event from 8pm to 11pm, moving in and out of the area from pretty much all exits and entrances to said area, even his house. Not only do you get more hearts with them, meaning more . Reaching the next heart event requires the player to give Shane a bouquet to begin romancing him. Four hearts event occurs on the Mountain, from 11 AM to 5 PM. As long as these conditions are met, a cutscene should . He tends to get deeply absorbed in computer games, comic books, and sci-fi novels, and will sometimes spend great lengths of . Mal's Rival Heart Events with Dynamic Dialogue Growing up, I played a lot of Harvest Moon, and was missing the Rival Heart events while playing through Stardew Valley. Sebastian 10 Heart Event not triggering. Farmer. You can get him to 10 hearts, his 8 heart event will stay play. Player has at least 7 hearts and not seen 10 heart events. 12 History. If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelorettes, raised friendship with each bachelorette to 10 hearts, and seen each bachelorette's 10-heart event, then entering Haley/Emily's House will trigger a cutscene. Hi all. RELATED: 10 Stardew Valley Memes That Prove The Games Make No Sense. "Sebastian is a rebellious loner who lives in his parents' basement. I've looked . I think it might be because I decided to give him the bouquet before trying to trigger the event, due to it not raining before winter when I got him to 8 hearts. Player has at least 7 hearts with Sebastian. I'm at 8 hearts with Sebastian, and every day it rains, after 12pm I go to the beach. 6H - at forest while raining after 9AM. Permanently missable heart events: - Sam's 3 heart has to happen before winter year 1. But the heart event never happens. I see on the wiki it says, "visit Sebastian's house after 8PM." I assume that means visit the area around his house at night, because the house itself is locked at 8PM? 2. You'll be treated to a scene where Sebastian is working on his motorcycle. After leaving the Island at 6pm, Sebastian will immediately go home to bed. the next day he stops by your house, and after that you can see 6H #2 - at Marnie's while he's there, the one where he gives Jas a present. 1. Does anyone know if I'm He is Maru's older half-brother, and feels like his sister gets all the attention and adoration, while he is left to rot in the dark. Fourteen Heart event - Enter the town between 8:00 . Also, you can trigger more than 1 heart event per day! Heckin_Cat said: I almost did! Like all romance options, there are 5 special encounters that can trigger, based on your friendship with Sebastian. on my game i triggered the 10 heart event before the 8 heart but was still able to go . Regardless of what you choose the event ends. When I loaded into the save I was in the second year of spring so I don't think that it is because of the season. Is it too late to do the event now? His 9-10 heart is still locked because I did not give him a After reaching 10 hearts, exit your house before 6:30 AM. Ten Heart event - Enter Haley's home in her presence. Must be a day between 1 and 13 of the season. I'm currently in the second week of Winter and on the first I finally filled Sebastian's hearts up to max. Go to the Bus Stop between 4 PM and 6 PM to travel there with him. You can't trigger the 10 heart event until after the 8 either, so don't worry about missing it! 4 Hearts - Go to . Heart Events. . 2: Head to Sebastian's room while he's there and you'll get to chat about his work (he's a programmer). anonymouseling Mar 18, 2016 @ 1:56pm. Sebastian is a villager who lives in The Mountains north of Pelican Town.He's one of the twelve characters available to marry.. Sebastian lives in the basement of his mother Robin's carpenter shop, north of town.. I haven't been able to get the event to trigger when it's raining in Spring year 2 between noon and 11pm. - Clint's 6 heart won't happen if you have seen Emily's 8 or 10 heart. Aug 23, 2022. The event continues and he gets annoyed because . To trigger this event with Sebastian, you'll have to go to the mountain between 6 am and 7 pm on a rainy day. I always go to the mountains past 8PM, and I even stayed past the closing time in his house and left it to try and trigger the event. Sebastian 10-Heart Event Won't Trigger. You'll find Sebastian working on his motorcycle, and he will ask you to take a ride with him one day.
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