Open PhpStorm's preferences and find the "Project Settings [project-name]" heading. Finally, we need to install browser debug toolbar. In this video I am explaining in a few minutes how to set-up debugging with PHP and Xdebug running in Docker and PhpStorm. How to setup PhpStorm + Xdebug in? Make sure that port number is 9003 3. Open PHPStorm preferences and select Build, Execution, Deployment section. 5. Step 2 - PHPStorm configurations The first thing you should do is to check your Debug settings. Learn how to configure php xdebug with phpstorm + lando + docker To make it easier for you I will write down a step-by-step guide, host my code in a Github repository and link all references, which helped my with the setup. To configure PhpStorm to work with Xdebug: In your PhpStorm project, open the settings panel. xdebug.client_host=host.docker.internal Copy this file in the Docker image: COPY docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/ Finally rebuild & reboot the container:. My local machines IP is When I try to run my application on command line, it connects back to PhpStorm debugger. Go through - Settings >> PHP >> Debug. Stars. Down below I will describe my normal daily setup: Docker container with PHP+XDebug installed ; PHPStorm IDE on my host machine ; Debugging PHP scripts # Configure docker container. So the idea is to write PHP code in PHPStorm on Windows and run and debug PHP code on Ubuntu over WSL2. The way to do this will depend on your base image, it is suggested to use alpine-based images. Port availability. Otherwise, add your custom Xdebug port Run Xdebug Web Place a breakpoint in your code and launch a debug session This will load the PHP Xdebug extension with the default configuration. Creating a run/debug configuration Right-click docker-compose.yml and select Create from the context menu: In the dialog that opens, provide the name of the configuration and apply your changes: You can now start the configuration from the toolbar: PhpStorm will automatically download the required image and start the web server: But it is necessary to configure your IDE to work with XDebug. I'm . My environment is: Windows 10 Pro . Once installed, configure the option to set. Preferences | Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Test Framework (create new configuration to allow PHPSTORM find PHPUnit): Interpreter: phpcli7.1_symfony_container CLI Interpreter: phpcli7.1_symfony_container Path mappings: /srv/application PHPUnit library: Install and enable Xdebug 3 in your PHP container Set the following Xdebug settings: mode to develop,debug client_host to host.docker.internal; and start_with_request to yes Rebuild the PHP container Configure your text editor or IDE and have it listen for PHP debug requests Set at least one breakpoint in your code Go to PHP > Debug and add the settings like following screenshot. Configure phpStorm. For Server, select Docker. This solution works only if you use PhpStorm on WSL2 with X server! Docker configuration panel PHPStorm Configure PhpStorm 1. The project name is in grey at the top. Therefore, we create an own Docker image based on the PHP/Apache image. Download PhpStorm 2020.3 EAP. Windows/Linux Select File > Settings. Use the latest PHPStorm, which supports XDebug 3.x. Let's add the following Docker configuration to our project and create a remote interpreter based on it. Ensure Xdebug port is set to 9000 PHPStorm settings: Xdebug 2. JetBrains, the maker of PhpStorm, has detailed instructions on configuring Xdebug in their IDE. In an empty project folder, we create a docker-compose configuration file, docker-compose-local.yml. Create "Dockerfile" file in "docker" folder: docker build -t php-xdebug-custom -f Dockerfile . Your IDE should be now correctly configured. Click the + to add a server configuration. "db" container running MySql 5.7.24. The next thing is going to be installing and configuring Xdebug inside the docker container, and make it connect the host machine in that port. Ensure that the "Debug port" is 10000, as already discussed in this guide. In the Settings panel, expand and locate the PHP > Servers section. Press ctrl + shift + s to open setting wizard. Docker 3.0.4 running on MacOS. In PHPStorm, go to File -> Settings -> Languages and Frameworks -> PHP > Debug. Setup your server. If you don't have Docker set up as a server, create one and . Configure Xdebug in PhpStorm Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select PHP. php -m | grep -i xdebug For debugging to work the xdebug connection from Docker container must reach PhpStorm running on your Windows host on TCP 9001 port . Joined February 23, 2017. By default xdebug-3 will listen on port 9003 Follow these steps to configure the IDE. Windows/Linux Select File > Settings. I'm going to explain in details how to setup Docker that it'll works correctly on Linux, macOS and Windows. For PhpStorm I've described it in section 3. Modify php.ini file with xdebug settings: Waiting for debug server to connect on port 9003. In this part of the tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we will set up our local development environment to be used by PhpStorm and Xdebug. Ensure that 'Debug port' is the same as you have in your ext-xdebug.ini. This tutorial assumes your local Devilbox projects to be in ./data/www of the Devilbox git directory: PHPStorm settings: path mapping Important xDebug will need a port (usually its port 9000). The configuration is now much faster and easier to set up. 1. Click the + to add a PHP Remote Debug server configuration. It was a separate script with some simple test code. In general, there are two ways to run PHP from PhpStorm using Docker: 1. via the built-in Docker setup 2. via Deployment Configuration (treating docker more or less like a VM) Run PHP via built-in Docker setup This is the "easier" way and should mostly work "out of the box". PHPSTORM + XDEBUG (2/3) + WSL2 + DOCKER Small example project to show how to configure xdebug (2 or 3) with WSL2 and Docker. in your PhpStorm Settings go to Languages and Frameworks > PHP and click the '' button near the "CLI Interpreter" field. After the several bunch setup of Docker+xDebug+PHPStorm I understood that there are some moments which should be noted. Here is what appears in my php.ini from within this container : xdebug.remote_enable=on xdebug.remote_autostart=off xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM xdebug.remote_connect_back=1 xdebug.remote_host={{some IP address}} from this container i can't access directly my Windows host . I have Xdebug configured in a container with PHP. Below is the output for Login form. list. If you're having trouble getting the debugger set up in PhpStorm, please tweet us @phpstorm or submit a ticket from the IDE by selecting Help | Submit a Bug Report. If any record found from the database, then we will store the user's details in. Save this and apply. . Setup Steps 1. To do that, we need to setup remote debugging for XDebug so that PHPStorm can connect to it and set breakpoints, show variable values and step through the code. 2 I'm a bit confused using Xdebug, Docker for Windows, and PhpStorm. RUN pecl install xdebug \ && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug. Configuring PhpStorm Go to PhpStorm -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers Click "+" Name docker-cli (Same as serverName under PHP_IDE_CONFIG environment variable) Host _ Default 80 Debugger Xdebug Check the checkbox next to "Use path mappings" Modify the absolute path on the server to /var/www/html Running the CLI Command Set path mapping Create a new PHP server and set a path mapping. # string xdebug.client_discovery_header = "" Triggering Xdebug 2. If you are a fan of dump-and-die debugging, consider giving the new Xdebug 3 a try. We will also ensure that we can run PHPUnit tests from the command line as well as from PhpStorm and throw the tool strace into the mix for debugging long-running processes. But overall allow full access for PhpStorm in firewall and maybe even consider disabling firewall completely while making these tests. Debugging will work in any script, not just index.php. Xdebug 3. 3. "web" container running PHP 7.2.24 on Apache. Set PhpStorm to listen to Xdebug on port 9000. Activate Xdebug for your running Drupal site In your docker command or your docker-compose.yml manifest, ensure the environment variable PHP_XDEBUG="true". including details about the OS and if the configuration is a Docker environment . Within the Dockerfile we install and enable Xdebug using pecl and docker-php-ext-enable. My setup is as follows: PHPStorm 2020.3.1 running on MacOS. Select the Docker Compose option. In our case it was 9003. Mac OS X Select PhpStorm > Preferences. Step Debugging with Docker and VS Code This video explains how to dockerify the Symfony Demo Application, and then setup debugging with Xdebug and VS Code. First of all, we need to install and activate Xdebug in our PHP container. To install Xdebug, run the following command: sudo apt- get install -y php-xdebug Then, once Xdebug is installed, you need to ensure that it's both enabled and properly configured. The package manager will most likely enable it, but to be sure run the following command. I will setup a very simple php page and debug it using xdebug and PhpStorm. By phpstorm Updated 6 months ago PhpStorm 2019.1.3 Build #PS-191.7479.51, built on June 18, 2019 macOS 10.14.5 Th app is running inside docker and remote_host should be set to host.internal.docker by my docker-compose.yml that I have attached above, for some reason this line doesn't seem to have any effect anymore XDEBUG_CONFIG: remote_host=host.docker.internal Use "PHPSTORM" as idekey. Select Docker Compose and the php service, then use the default options for everything else. Here is what appears in my php.ini from within this container : xdebug.remote_enable=on xdebug.remote_autostart=off xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_host=10..75.1 # xdebug.remote_connect_back=1 To configure PhpStorm to work with Xdebug: In your PhpStorm project, open the settings panel. Displaying 24 of 24 repositories. 5.2K. Save and close the Settings Dialog. There are a few places settings need to be set, so I defer to their help pages. Now go to Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP and set your language level as required. WSL2 change Linux IP every reboot time, so you should, add global variable (WSLIP) in your Linux system. CAUTION: New version available at this video we're gonna go through two methods of making PhpStorm run PHP code on Docker cont. Download PhpStorm 2022.3 EAP. In phpStorm. This video explains in a few minutes how to set-up debugging with PHP and Xdebug running in Docker and PhpStorm. PhpStorm can be setup to use Docker. Add a name for your server. The tag used in this project is 5.4.1-php-7.2-apache. phpstorm/php-apache. Next, enable Xdebug debugging in the PHP container by running: bin/xdebug enable. And for XDebug, we installed it. For other IDEs, there are a lot of manuals available that can help with the Xdebug configuration. Go to PHP > Servers and configure the server as shown in image. The project name is in grey at the top. So here is the Xdebug configuration: ; XDebug xdebug.remote_host = xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_port = 9000 xdebug.default_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_connect_back = 0 It is the configuration specific for the Docker for Mac. Check the Xdebug installation associated with the selected PHP interpreter: On the PHP page, choose the relevant PHP installation from the CLI Interpreter list and click next to the field. This allows Xdebug to communicate with the IDE. Hello, I'm a bit confused using xdebug, docker for windows, and phpstorm i have xdebug configured in a container with PHP. XDebug Remote Debugging. Step 1 - Dockerize the Application Initially install Xdebug on your Docker container. Make sure you have the same port that you configured previously in the "XDEBUG_CONFIG" environment variable. in new window add a new interpreter "From Docker, Vagrant, VM, Remote" choose "Docker Compose" radiobutton, select or create new Server (use Unix socket to connect to Docker daemon) On the top right, click on "edit configurations": Click in the green "plus" sign at the top left and select "PHP Remote Debug" from the list. Now, we'll do step-by-step debugging, thanks to XDebug and PHPStorm's integration. To install Xdebug the following lines need to be added to the Dockerfile. On form submission, we will execute the SELECT SQL query to find the record in the database by email and password. Create some breakpoints in your project. So far, so good: it's basically a standard developer setup for PHP where I have an IDE on my machine and am . So let's start with the docker-compose.yml that I put in the root of my PHP project: Now configure it like this: Make sure you associate it with the previously created "server" definition. Configure your firewall to port forward port 9000 to local port 9000 on the local IP of your laptop. Just in case, to check, I've just created a test script with the name someFile.php in the webroot of my WordPress installation. But because of there is no path mapping it Next, a form will open and there, fill the Name with your Remote Debug configuration, next check the Filter debug connection by IDE key option and then select the Server previously create, and finally fill the IDE key (session id) with the same value that got used at the xdebug.idekey directive at our .docker/xdebug.ini. Afterward, we have to configure Xdebug with some properties in the php.ini. Add a new CLI interpreter by clicking .. Click the + on the top left and add a new Docker configuration. Run a PHPUnit script in Debug mode with step-by-step debugging To run in Debug mode, you have the little bug icon next to the "Run" button in your "Run configuration" top bar: Click on it, and see if your project is tested! In the Settings panel, expand and locate the Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Servers section. Repositories Starred. I am using docker-compose to manage my containers. The companion repository for this tutorial can be found on GitHub: wordpress_xdebug Project Setup The project will use a container built from an official WordPress image. In phpStorm go to the Preferences Menu then look for servers under the PHP entry. Mac OS X Select PhpStorm > Preferences. Create a new interpreter from the From Docker, Vagrant, VM. Next, we need to configure a server. On the Windows side, I have installed PHPStorm. Simply set a break point, right-click on a file and choose "Debug '.'" Debug code executed via php-fpm, cli or from a worker For code that is executed "directly" by a container without PhpStorm, we first need to enable xdebug in the container by removing the ; in front of the extension in /etc/php8/conf.d/zz-app-local.ini Downloads. Then, open PhpStorm > Preferences > PHP and configure: CLI Interpreter. In the above code , we have created a login form with some PHP script to confirm the user's login credentials. Start debugging. This is usually some 192.168 address NOT the public IP you used above. It's at this point you want to install it with pecl, so add pecl install Xdebug into the run commands for the container: RUN docker-php-source extract && \ pecl install redis && \ pecl install xdebug && \ pecl install imagick && \ docker-php-ext-enable imagick && \ docker-php-ext-enable redis && \ docker-php-source delete The relevant section is entitled "Xdebug." The other ones will be ignored. Return value debugging with Xdebug. In the sub-menu, choose Docker and click the + icon to add new Docker integration and then close the configuration panel. In this docker machine xdebug is enabled with these xdebug.ini settings. LEARN MORE ABOUT @IFOMIN'S EXPERTISE AND PLACE ON THE INTERNET. Essentially, you want to set the Xdebug IDE port to 9000 and the IDE key to PHPSTORM. Create docker-compose.yml file in "docker" folder: 3. To help you out, this blog will take you step-by-step procedure of the installation and configuration process of Xdebug docker phpstorm with a Dockerized application. (1) Enable the Xdebug extension (2) If you are using a different Xdebug port, set your custom Xdebug port (3) Add your Xdebug server name (4) If you are using the default Xdebug port, please remove remote_port= [your_xdebug_port]. I have setup and docker machine that runs my application. Xdebug setup validation. I recently spent a good few hours getting Xdebug to work with my development setup (which is PhpStorm running inside WSL 2 on Windows 10, and PHP/Xdebug running inside a Docker container, inside WSL 2, with Docker Desktop), so here I am writing up the surprisingly simple solution I ended up with partially for my own future reference, but also to help out anyone who finds themselves in a . Expand the "PHP" setting and click on "Debug." On the right are options pertaining to this setting.
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